- Savannah F
“Without Family Promise, I don’t know where I’d be, physically and spiritually, or if I’d have ever gotten out of that hole. When I left, I was so motivated that I went to school and am now a paramedic with Chatham EMS. Everybody goes through things, some worse than others. Everything that happened to me led me to the field I’m in today. I’m forever grateful for Family Promise.”
- Dorothea C
“No one ever knows when or how they might need a little hand up. When you’re in that situation, all you have is your dignity. And, I’ll tell you this: at Family Promise, they never once stepped on that.”
- Nicole S
“Don’t be afraid to get out there and see what’s available and search for resources. Family Promise is doing what they do so their clients can better themselves. If you’re doing the program, you have to be compliant and follow their rules. They don’t ask that much of you, so just do what they ask and you’ll be so happy you did.”
- Janice H
It’s a great program. Sometimes I’d get frustrated at my situation, but there was always someone there to remind me that was normal. Relax, they’d say, no one is here to judge you. The after-program helped me restructure my resume and learn to better budget my money. The counselors give you things to take with you, so you can move forward and won’t fall back into the same situation.
- Curtis B
I’d recommend Family Promise to anyone. They helped me get my family back together, and now we have a stable place to call our own. In our moment of need, they helped us; it’s only right to help them, so they can help the next family!
- Evelyn R
Hosting families is such good fellowship that I’m always a little sad when they go. But I do have the greater joy of seeing them move on to a new life with greater confidence, support and hope.