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Writer's picture: fpcoastalempirefpcoastalempire

SAVANNAH, GA – June 3, 2021 – Family Promise of the Coastal Empire, along with Habitat for Humanity and Community Housing Services Agency, is offering a virtual homeownership training series for Family Promise graduates via Zoom from 6-8 p.m. on June 8, 15 and 22. Each class will feature a different expert guest speaker from one of their partnering organizations. Participants can expect to learn about the information and steps required to responsibly and knowledgeably become homeowners.

The first lesson in the series will be hosted by Habitat for Humanity and Community Housing Services Agency (CHSA). The second session will focus on credit with Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Savannah. For the final training, participants will be able to hear testimonials from families who have gone through the program and are successful homeowners.

Family Promise is working to establish a trauma-informed community where every family with children has a safe, stable home and chance to build a sustainable future. Therefore, their mission doesn’t end with getting families into housing; it is keeping them in housing and leading them to a path of self-sufficiency and success.

“For over 25 years, Family Promise has been transforming the lives of families experiencing homelessness in the Coastal Empire by providing them with help, hope, and hospitality. We are always striving to ensure families prosper long after they go through our programs and offer them the skills and tools to succeed independently,” said Family Promise of the Coastal Empire Executive Director Katrina Bostick. “That is why through this series, we aim to prepare our graduates for homeownership with real-world, beneficial advice and mentorship. Families will hear from both professionals and others who were once in their shoes to be equipped with the faith that they can do it themselves – it is possible.”

Interested Family Promise graduates can apply for the classes by emailing; spacing is limited to 30 people. If there are extra spaces available, non-Family Promise graduates may enroll. Please email to inquire.

Family Promise envisions a nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future. What began as a local initiative in Summit, NJ, has become a national movement that involves 200,000 volunteers in over 200 communities in 43 states. Family Promise delivers innovative solutions for family homelessness including prevention, shelter and stabilization services. The organization has served 1 million family members since its founding more than 30 years ago, and its leaders aspire to change the future for 1 million children by 2030 through our community-based programs.

For more information about Family Promise of the Coastal Empire, please visit, email or call 912-790-9446.

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